Urban Hydrology

Urban Hydrology

Installation, Animal, Abstract informal, Landscape, Stone, 1280x243x9999cm
6th Street Transit Mall, Portland State University, Portland, OR
Carved Granite, Bio Swales, native plants
Each Stone 5’ x 5’ x 1’ (Typical) 3 City Blocks
year completed:
Commissioning Agency; Tri Met
Partners; Tri-Met; Water Bureau Landscape Architecture Division, Saldana Stone, Environmental Services. Portland, OR
Desc<x>ription: 12 carved granite sculptures based on Scanning Electron Microscopy images of diatoms used to determine water quality in urban waterways. The sculptures are sited along a three block long bio filtration landscape strip in downtown Portland, Oregon adjacent to Portland State University. Work created in consultation with the Environmental Studies Department, Portland State University and Portland City Water Bureau. Urban Hydrology integrates storm water purification in a busy urban environment with a beautiful and unusual landscape, and interpretive sculptures that students at the nearby university study in their urban planning, environmental studies, and biology classes. Granite for the sculptures was sourced locally and makes sense along the busy transit mall where less durable materials can be subject to vandalism. The sculptures have been included in presentations at the National Conference on the Study of Diatoms and Water Quality.

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Comments 8

Fernanda D'Agostino
11 years ago
Thanks Luigi!
Luigi Norcaro
11 years ago
Luigi Norcaro Artist
Ciao brava.
Fernanda D'Agostino
11 years ago
Thanks so much everyone!
maria giuseppina barbanotti (Bar_ti)
11 years ago
Really beautiful!
12 years ago
Clavi Artist
..semplicemente Fantastiche!
Aldo Pietro Ferrari
13 years ago
bella ,semplicemente bella
mi piacciono molto..............

beautiful, simply beautiful
I like a lot ..............
Aldo Pietro Ferrari
13 years ago
bella ,semplicemente bella
mi piacciono molto..............

beautiful, simply beautiful
I like a lot ..............
Souad Nasr Makhoul
13 years ago
You works are very interesting! I like the way you give new meaning of softness to the stone !

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