Identity PAssporT

Identity PAssporT

Identity PAssporT
The work consists of placing in the Russian passport souvenir of Memento Park (made of words, visas, watermarked images, which are turning to the history of communist Hungary, also in a comical key), self adhesive visas and images and the words with wich I have been formed.
Browse the passport is like leafing through the pages of our memory, our desires , our expectations , our disappointments.
If Memento Park in Budapest is the Hungarian history, with statues of its protagonists revolutionaries, people who have made the history of world communism, Identity PAssporT wants to be the memory of my political history of the people who have inspired me starting from those world leaders who, albeit in different ways , continue to determine my daily decisions of life , my thoughts and my gaze towards the future. The suffering is not only part of the story, but also of our personal history, and what encourages us to go on is what we desire for ourselves and for others.

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