Exhibitions, Italy, Lucca, Pietrasanta, 07 December 2012
Geoff Dunlop is one of eight international artists participating in Colletiva 1, an exhibition of contemporary art photography at Garage Bonci, Piazza Republica 3, Pietrasanta (LU), Italy.

He is showing his 2012 work GO GENTLE as a projection piece, accompanied by prints.
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Comments 23

Rita Tripodi
11 years ago
Rita Tripodi Artist
GooD Good GooD ! :)
Associazione Roberta Smedili
11 years ago
un grande in bocca al lupo
Geoff Dunlop
11 years ago
Geoff Dunlop Artist
Thank you all - Nanouk, Marianna, Tom and Serena
Serena Barotti
11 years ago
I'd love to be there! Congratulations and good luck!
Marianna Merler
11 years ago
Nanouk Reicht
11 years ago
Nanouk Reicht Art lover
Geoff Dunlop
11 years ago
Geoff Dunlop Artist
Thanks to all of you for such generous greetings. And may you have great success in your work.
Mirta Vignatti
11 years ago
Sono molto contenta di vederti a Pietrasanta (Lucca)!!!
Marilena La Mantia
11 years ago
In bocca al lupo !
Gabriella Fiabane
11 years ago
congratulations !

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