
Born September 22, 1951 at Monselice (PD), spent his youth in Mestre (VE). Since 1980 lives and Ponzano Veneto (TV). Since 1995, devotes time, resources and commitment to link its name to artistic events of great depth in the belief that, in our time not keen to debate and dialogue, the series of exhibitions sponsored by him constitute grounds for cultural and spiritual enrichment.
We list below just some of the artists he promoted with solo and group exhibitions in the path of exploitation of the contemporary masters of the generation of the 1910/1940, still in progress:
Gianni Ambrogio, Paolo Barbatella, Saverio Barbaro, Vittorio Basaglia, Gianni Bertini, Eugenio Carmi, Giorgio Celiberti, Lucio Del Pezzo, Lino Dinetto, Piero Dorazio, Vincenzo Eulisse, Giosetta Fioroni, Giulio Pajetta, Achille Perilli, Luigi Rincicotti, Mimmo Rotella, Sergio Sarri, Valeriano Trubbiani, Giuseppe Zigaina, Carmelo Zotti.
Company Founder and Curator of ARTEFICIOlinea and president of Academy Ponzanese Antonino Pizzolon

Mobile: +39 320 0412729