
I'm a writer, poet, and performer from Aghmat (Morocco). i'm currently studying Economical and Organizational Sciences in Marrakesh. Additionally i organize many cultural and social events as a curator. My work is an ''Attempt of exploring the limits of the practice called poetry, by questioning oneself on the medium, trying to go beyond the traditional frames which define the contours of this artistic practice.''
''To ask oneself about poetry and its place in the contemporary society today leads to ask oneself about this mutilated society where the poet has turned to caste – in its literal sense- this globalised society which advocates the western model, a society based on slavery and where the individual is subject to overconsumption, to abusive conditioning, or a totalitarian political regime, to an ideology which gives a dominant place to trade and finance. It has more to do with the way we live, we think and how we envisage the world... What is at stake is the form of our existence; this form defines indeed a certain norm of life in the Western societies and, far beyond, in all the societies which follow them on the way of «modernity», in the name of the project of civilization of the world – presumed savaged in its nature- but reduces it to an extreme inhumanity (barbarism). This norm orders each of us to live in a universe of competition; in a generalized pursuit of profit, growth, money; as well as in an invasion of artificial images coming from the industry of cinema and
video games, materialized into an addiction to Black-Mirrors.