
Adrienne Goehler is a former Senator for Science, Research and Culture in Berlin and one of Europe’s foremost cultural debaters.
She studied German and Romance literature and languages in Freiburg and Psychology in Hamburg. During 1986-1989 Adrienne served as a deputy in the Hamburg Parliament as part of the women’s fraction of the GAL (Grüne Alterative Liste). And after that for 12 years she headed the academy of fine arts (Hochschule für bildendeKünste) in Hamburg. In 2002-2006 she was curator for the ’Hauptstadt Kulturfonds (cultural capital fonds) of Berlin. She is an author of the book Verflüssigungen. Wege und Umwege vom Sozialstaat zur Kulturgesellschaft, which has been recently published by Campus Verlag. In her book Adrienne Goehler shows, that the experts of change and the specialists for transitions and ambivalences work in the area of art and science. Since 2006 she works as a freelance curator and publicist in Berlin.