Compagnia Artisti e Autori
Institution, Torino, Italy, joined 14 years ago
Exhibitions, Italy, Torino, 17 September 2010
Angels "is not only a religious meaning, in fact etymologically the word" angel "comes from greek" angelos "which means" messenger. "
In the past, the Angels have enjoyed enormous fortune, which is e...Read all
Exhibitions, Italy, Torino, 19 September 2010
Light and Dark are always with us. We live in the light of happy moments and in the darks of thinking instant, but light and darks are complementary elements and where they are united make differents...Read all
Exhibitions, Italy, Torino, 19 September 2010
The exhibition will involve 'some contemporary artists that illustrate their vision of these entities' techniques and different ways, but somehow unique.
Painters, sculptors, poets and dancers togeth...Read all
Fairs, Italy, Firenze, 19 September 2010
Emerging artists to the fore in the space of fellow artists and authors. Major sponsors and international delegations, heads of major museums and participation of large institutions for the Art Fair t...Read all
Exhibitions, Italy, Torino, 26 August 2010
Because life is filled with color and the colors of life. Perceive the subtle nuances of our every moment we can give rise to our emotions, our every feeling. The Exhibition will be held in our labora...Read all