América Controlada (América Under Control) is a digital collage made from images captured during trips through the Americas from 2009 to 2011. By mixing urban/constructed landscapes with nature (in this case human), the work calls attention to the excess of control in the continents, an aspect of the social and political context of the places visited during the journeys through the Americas. In the background we can see an image taken in the periphery of New York, crossed by a graphic sign takes from a mexican map pointing to 'places to see' in the periphery. Part of the body of the artist comes to represent the control of bodies and people in marginal places. Together with other five digital collages on canvas and two videos, the work was exhibited in Cotidiano & Mobilidade's exhibition at the Escola de Artes Visuais do Parque Lage, in Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, July - August 2011.
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