

Painting, Human figure, Nude, Human figure, Mixed technique, 180x100x6cm
In this spirit is shown that Zülfikar’s painterly approach is even at first sight, absorbed in the tradition of its origin. A closer look reveals how he combines the figurative-folk roots of the oriental imagery with abstract-free elements of modern occidental art. By repeatedly incorporating large pieces of traditional kilim rugs material in his compositions and his subjects (the girl with a broom, the workers building a house, the woman with the tea cup) with flowing and dripping color marks turbulence in the moving. So he has developed a very own style.
It can be seen in every single picture of Zülfikar how much in the practiced experience the memory of the culture, in which you grew up, current today’s influences are crisscrossing together.
Basically Zülfikar’s art tells about people, their relationship to nature, their (abandoned) home, their existence in the tension between love and violence. Its very sensual, brilliant color pictures, which always lives a gently melancholy, are without any folkloric trace. Rather they tell us something about life in the modern era.

Has been liked by 9

Comments 2

13 years ago
Ali-Zülfikar Artist
thank you very much of the compliment,
best regest,
Janina Wieclawik
13 years ago
Subtle and beautiful line, congratulate

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