NEUTRINI O NEUTRONI.............?????
published by Caterina Pes
The pearl of the message of the Gelmini stays however in its incipit: "The overcoming of the speed of the light is a victory epocale."
Minister, staff of the Minister, leave him/it to you to say: it was not a run motorist, nobody competed with the light and with Einstein. Anybody "it wins" in to overcome the speed of the light, simply the search advances, new things are learned, the knowledge of the man progresses.
This press release shows as in unequivocal way the minister and its staff is incompetent, approximate, superficial. Of this statement all laugh and they are made pranks. Sinned that this is fruit of the same method used from Minister Mariastella Gelmini and from his/her staff to realize the "reforms epocali" that you/they are destroying School, University and Search Italian. When the laws of reform are been applied too many tacciavano of exaggeration who had realized then already. It is sadly now eyes of everybody.
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