

Installation, Political / Social, Political / Social, Various materials, 480x85x280cm
Represents, using 280 Barbie Dolls a split between civilisation and modern society; from a reigning Globalization (suggested by the colour of their faces and their costumes from many nations) to diversity, integration and acceptance. (implicit in the religious diversity of Sister Barbi and another dressed in the Burka) To complete the denunciation of this society, that losses itself behind symbolism and formality, all the Barbies greet the visitor with the Fascist Salute.
In addition for the inaugural evening the installation is completed with two ‘vestals’ of modern society. One a Barbie a young virginal bride, representing tradition and the home and hearth. The other being the reverse side of the coin of conformist society, a trans symbolic of private vice and unspeakable sins.

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