I can see you

I can see you

Painting, Abstract informal, Acrylic, 30x40cm
A human being who has lost their physical characteristics, has become a silhouette. Expressionism, which blends with the abstract. In this case, the represented figure (man or woman does not matter) is to be alienated within it pulses a flaming heart and red, the symbol of the feelings that exist within each of us. The artist does not linger in a realistic representation, but we understand well how this work is not only the abstraction of an individual who has a pain, but it is a human being who wants to express himself without delay and constraints, in complete freedom. The colors indicate that Jenny uses various moods, which is why we can speak of Expressionism: Color that produces a certain feeling and arouses particular emotions. In this case we find a use for the background of black and pink, almost in contrast, are able to determine an enormous sense of unease at the same time a strong glow of optimism. The white is being drawn off the bottom and picks up a red heart toward which converge and from which branch off the veins full of blood (which is life). For Jenny's life can not be separated from the passion. We must fight to get in touch with others and to express themselves.

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Comments 1

llazzano unico esponente della cessart
12 years ago
bella pennellata corposa,efficace segno ,abbiamo in comune che vogliamo far capire troppe cose,l'opera è già bellissima,è tutta vera,non ha bisogno di spiegazioni,però ti capisco la tua è anche la mia ansia di non essere capiti,per fortuna che io quasi per caso ho finalmente capito con il movimento artistico che ho quasi messo a punto che l'arte non ha bisogno di spiegazioni,vive di luce propria,basta essere onesti prima con se stessi e poi ........vengono gli altri.ciao e complimenti.p.s. scusa delle troppe chiacchiere,ma mi piace cosi.

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