Quartiere Nicolosi

Quartiere Nicolosi

The District Nicolosi is the oldest working-class district of Latina, a city 60 km south of Rome. Contrary to most Italian cities, Latina is a young city, founded in 1932 as a result of the reclamation of the Pontine marshes desired by the fascist regime. Nicolosi was built just to accommodate the workers engaged in the reclamation and the building of the city, mainly immigrant families from the northeast.80 years after Latin America is a modern city of 120,000 inhabitants, the second center of Latium after Rome, but despite its tremendous growth annually ranks near the bottom of the rankings ISTAT on the quality of life. Today, Nicolosi, after suffering a substantial depopulation among older generations in search of social redemption, is back to being a working class neighborhood inhabited mainly by immigrants, although this time from Romania, India and the Maghreb. Once again, an area chosen by people who want to rebuild their lives from scratch, often finding himself to share tiny apartments and overcrowded, but still proud of their pioneering spirit, and more and more entrepreneurs of themselves rather than exploited labor in the fields and yards. The most tangible sign of this revival is certainly due to the presence of children who have repopulated the courtyards.Nicolosi is a classic example of rationalist architecture, and was designed as a place which seeks to implement socialization for newcomers: benches, green spaces, walls, even the clothes horse town. And this conception of public space, despite the decay and degradation, still allows many people to spend most days outdoors, often of different language and culture, giving back to the way that social function that more and more often denied elsewhere, pushing newcomers into an inclusive community, where the germ of "fear of difference" make it increasingly difficult to penetrate.

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Comments 3

Teresa Palombini
12 years ago
una delle poche eridità positive del regime fascista, a parer mio, è l'architettura razionalista. Esistono diverse strutture niente male che andrebbero recuperate. Del resto in Italia, sonto tantissimi i siti da manutener e riqualificare ...!
Marcello Scopelliti
12 years ago
Rossella Santoro
12 years ago
Che dire...una poesia.

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