She wear his hat

She wear his hat

This work was completely grafically constructed,with an insertion of a part in 3d side,the hat.The simbolic meaning is double like double is the optical effect,that probably came damp a bit from the p.c. screen ,but on canvas the 3d side prove almost to give a living part to the image ,that appear to become animated from the canvas.The simbolic mean that i would like gave it its a complete and intens intimity that some affective relations to be good at ,a wear almost a part of the other ,in this case is the hat lower on eyes hide the most deep side that we set up in a relation that start just with the glance.The other side instead came entirely denied,almost like a defense of the sight ,like a holy side of human being.

has been sold and it is on

Has been liked by 6

Comments 4

Libra Larki
11 years ago
Libra Larki Artist
...very lovely artwork!
Corrado Lippi
12 years ago
Corrado Lippi Artist
Mi ammalia con la forza di una femminilità libera e sbarazzina.
Alessandra Minotti
12 years ago
Alessandra Minotti Artist, Photographer
Grazie Alberto,sarà un piacere.
alberto bottura
12 years ago

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