I will protect you without doubt

I will protect you without doubt

Installation, Still life, Textile, 26x10cm
In June of 2011, I discovered art in everyday objects - Knife. "Knife" has the similar pronunciation of "Life". I wanted to protect the life from dangers.

« I will protect you without doubt », is one of my crochet work. I wrapped the real knife by crochet with a sentence under the knife. It's a commitment. I used the red color for the crochet. It's the only color I used for my works. Red represented many things, blood. But there are the beautiful meaning in red color too, like roses. In the reality, you want to protect someone, but who will protect you? yourself? Only you can protect yourself.

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Comments 2

Mei Mei Man
12 years ago
Mei Mei Man Artist
Le film "Delicatessen" est interessant. :)
12 years ago
Cat Photographer
Cette oeuvre me fait penser au film delicatessen !

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