The project was designed to solve issues related to the use of a new urban space, aimed at promoting communication and aggregation for a better quality of life and human habitat, and opening up to future, more participated, cities.
The “Colour Labyrinth” generates joy and energy, hence it is perceived as a sign of encouragement and recovery, after the recent dramatic and devastating flood of Genoa.
The event is the result of a close and successful collaboration between the Municipality of Genoa Centre-East Area, the CIV (Integrated Street Council) of Via Fiasella Ponte, the students of the Art High School Klee Barabino of Genoa, the Laboratorio Art.Nat, who have joined forces to carry out the project that I have donated to UNICEF. Also, all tools and paints and colours employed in the project have been donated by DOCCHEM, a coating manufacturer based in Pavia.
Plans to extend the “Colour Labyrinth” in other more suburban areas are currently being discussed. It is indeed an inexpensive and easy project to implement and quite suitable for more peripheral, unremarkable neighbourhoods.
In a way, the “Colour Labyrinth” project is already a forerunner.
The proposal of a colour design project also for the future of Genoa reminds the city of its unique ancient tradition. Indeed, in the past, Genoa was called “Genua picta” - namely “painted” - due to the colours of its palaces and buildings at the peak of its glory.
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