S.O.S rappesentazione ideale

Diologue between IDEAL and REAL
What is presented in practice

The PROJECT consists in the practical creation of a ISLAND OF REGENERATION with its own SOS pillar. With integration of MONITOR, SPEAKERS AND INFLATABLE COUCHES for interior outfitting.

Presenting the PUBLIC REGENERATION ISLAND through a private reinterpretation, a “private SOS” (PRIVATE SOS, A SINGLE ELEMENT for interior that is a CUBE, art exhibition, TV, AUDIO/DVD SYSTEM and contains 9 inflatable couches and small compressor practically the whole living room in a SOS pillar  )


In mp3 players there will be the audio presentation of the project, also offered in form of video presentation.

The printing and production of tables placed in detail including
Table 1 Ideally imagined as project presentation cover in which the element that reminds of a skyscraper in the front is a REAL PORTABLE SOLAR PANEL.

summarizing the project and thus creating an incentive to print publishing now more than ever in crisis ... a real book that recharges technology and creativity  through the primordial energy THE SUN ... The light ...

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