Isabel's Harvest

Isabel's Harvest


In the Eden of unknown -
Corridors guide to the ashen Faces of lucrative terrain
Where labels mark possession, prepared in unison when harmony caused distress
Belongings hung on parched and blooming foliage
Flourishing on soiled pyjamas from Isabel’s bosom.

Nameless soldiers harvest a yellow yonder
For the banquet of anonymous shadows,
In preparation for the great disparate feast of Abundance.

Isabel’s garden, cultivated in ecstatic pursuit of arranged tenure,
And providing a euphoria of assured faith,
remains alone in-waiting
for floating Lillies to encumber the beloved
in untamed abandonment.

© Tanisha Bhana – Jan 2012
(For the works, Dissolve (1-2) and Isabel’s Harvest, from the portfolio, Transience)

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Comments 1

12 years ago
Cat Photographer
Bonne chance :)

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