Video, Fantasy / Visionary, Animation, 8:27

Alessandro Bavari: Camera Tremula 1, Noise Melange, XYZ Ocula Depth
Fulvio Sturniolo: Camera Tremula 2
Jeff Ensign aka Evolution Noise Slave: Sonic Harmonium
Format: Pal Widescreen 1050x576
- Golden Nica at Prix Ars Electronica 2011.
- Special Award IED at Skepto International Film Festival.
- Best Experimental Film at the 2nd Stortford Film Festival.
- Best Direction Prize at the Cinemavvenire Video Festival.
- 1° Prize Art Lab at the Festival Internazionale del Cinema d'Arte.
- 1° Prize ex aequo at the Corto Dorico Short Film Festival + a Special Mention Prize.
- Best Design Prize at the 13th Animation Film Festival Animated Dreams.
- Finalist as Best Direction at the Animago Award.
- Finalist at the Bolzano Short Film Festival.

Alessandro Bavari was born in Latina, a coastal town south of Rome, Italy, on april 1963.

Grown up in an italo-french family, he was early attracted by artistic matters and decided to attend art college, where he began making photomontages at the age of 15.

Then, he studied scenography, photography, history of art and various other topics at the Academy of Fine Arts, in Rome, where he developped strong grounding in the techniques of oil, watercolours and engraving, while experimenting at the same time methods mixing tar, glue, industrial paint and exploring photographic printing techniques.

During these years, he took the habit of making numerous photographs everywhere he goes : human and animal matters, objects and architecture, pictures and landscapes, fossils and materials, which join his mental museum, also strongly influenced by indo-european cultural myths and allegories as well as 14th and 15th century artists.

Since 1993, he adds digital manipulation to his art, developping a personal artistic language using industrial and organic products from nature before incorporating photographic process, then computer digitalization, which leads to "a kind of contamination among the arts dissolving the boundaries which distinguish them".

Alessandro Bavari lives and works in Italy.

Has been liked by 20

Comments 4

10 years ago
Bibart Artist
non ho parole....è semplicemente FANTASTICO ! complimenti
11 years ago
JlZAlN0 Critic, Curator, Art lover
Assolutamente sconvolgente sotto ogni punto di vista!
12 years ago
Natix Artist
12 years ago
legabutina Artist
This is so visually overwhelming. Amazing work. Best I've seen! Congratulations.

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