Wabi sabi time

Wabi sabi time

Wabi sabi means taking time in our hands the
awareness of the eternal flow of all things, the
consciousness through a moment of pause
can grasp the uniqueness of each moment. The pause
the coffee is a time for change
point of view. The philosophical and aesthetic criterion is
behind this object is based on reflections
gained over the millennia, the beauty wisely
is considered as the flow through
many stages, constantly changing,
starting from goal-no goal, for
reach no goal-goal,
it just is. The understanding of the perpetual
movement opens the doors to the contemplation of
everything around us, thus maintaining the quality
"Living the" free from stereotypes. The message of
wabi sabi is the current time in hours as
Japan in the thirteenth century. The bond
between philosophical concepts and aesthetic criteria
wabi sabi allows the time to position themselves with
decision in today's world, becoming a horse
between art and design, philosophy and aesthetics, always
according to the material, remaining in this
world, here and now. The difficulty in finding a
define the meaning of wabi sabi time, is
fully in line with its deep meaning,
with the mystery that lies the great laws of life,
with the wisdom of silence and the courage to leave
undeciphered what you can not decipher.
The words wabi and sabi were loaded
meaning over time, and love for
ambiguity has allowed the Japanese to not
give unambiguous definitions. Love for the subject,
formal purity, continuous flow of consciousness
of life, sadness and joy, all in balance,
here maybe this is what some approaches
concept of wabi sabi. In ceramics, wabi sabi is
found in warm colors, shapes and clean
tactile pleasure of surfaces. The decoration
replaces the material, which speaks for itself, in itself already
contains the message, just listen. They will be the
enamel surface by binding to spontaneous
create a pattern. Leaving concepts such as
symmetry and uniformity are moving towards more horizons
ample artistic expression.

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