mud puddles

mud puddles

Painting, Abstract informal, Acrylic, 100x150x4cm
this is an extremely textured painting. the paint is applied like string onto the canvas, the work inspired by the landscape of the australian bush.

Has been liked by 11

Comments 4

pietro vittorio pisoni
11 years ago
pietro vittorio pisoni Photographer
bellissima, inspiration from native? brava
llazzano unico esponente della cessart
12 years ago
tessitura ideale.great
Maristella  Angeli
12 years ago
Maristella Angeli Artist, Painter
Very interesting!
12 years ago
Adi Artist
it's interesting to see what appears to be a transition in your work from a year ago.
It's a pity that the texture your speaking about gets lost in the photo of the painting in cuber space, But I do get the feeling that this is the kind of art work that can grow on ones visual and extra sensory perception

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