

Digital Graphics, Abstract informal, Generative graphics, 145x75cm

Has been liked by 24

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Comments 12

Paul Brotherton
9 years ago
Paul Brotherton Designer, Painter
Amazing complexity, superb colour combinations.....great work!
celestino sebastiao
12 years ago
thank you so much Takanori Kurokawa and Nanouk Reicht
Nanouk Reicht
12 years ago
Nanouk Reicht Art lover
fin et délicat.
celestino sebastiao
12 years ago
thank you so much Katalin Gály and Melvin Harris
Melvin Harris
12 years ago
Melvin Harris Artist
Katalin  Gály
12 years ago
Katalin Gály Artist
celestino sebastiao
12 years ago
excellent comments I have just to say thank you so much to all of you. really appreciated thanks.
Tiziana Parziale
12 years ago
Stefania Rinaldi
12 years ago
Rudolf Lichtenegger
12 years ago

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