Formative Years

Formative Years

Scanned, processed, and edited family photographs, metallic photo prints, piezo giclée b/w prints, black framing board and foamboard, metal tabs, rare-earth magnets, shadowbox frames.
20.5" x 20.5", series of 15

I have often contemplated ... what was the genesis of my media arts fascination?

Having produced, edited, and programmed media in the corporate world for many years, I was drawn towards a more personal and artistic expression in the media arts three years ago. But did it actually start there?

Upon self-reflection, I have come to realize that the seed was planted in my formative years - ages 7 to 14. This is when I began to explore my new city and country - Toronto, Canada; a new culture and the diversity of where I lived; new technology, music, photography, and filmmaking. As an impressionable youth, I was lucky enough to travel throughout North America and Europe, experiencing all the geographical and cultural aspects that were offered.

These family photos brought back all those experiences, and clarified in my mind that I always had the desire to express myself through media arts. It just lay dormant for many, many years, finally breaking through with the advent of digital media.
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