Urban Outfit / Installation / 2012

Urban Outfit / Installation / 2012

Painting, Plants , Abstract informal, Game / Fun, Mixed technique, 75x165x10cm
Project Desc<x>ription / Urban Outfit

Urban Outfit is a mixed media installation and painting project, a visual urban metaphor expressing the duality of visual perception: the intuitive versus the rational.

Urban Outfit is constructed from different layers of visual materials such as:

Petals of canvas paper, painted with acrylic, cut and held together with thin copper wire.

Ceramic objects

Four paintings, acrylic on canvas:
- Left Side 60x80 cm
- Right Side 60x80 cm
- Extrinsecus Blue 50x70 cm
- Vogelsang 50x40 cm

The idea for the installation came from the daily personal and general analysis of identity implementations, similar to the process of maturity, the accumulation of memories and perceptions.

The style of the Right Side is fluid and spontaneous, looks at similarities,
prefers elusive uncertain information, free with feelings and prefers drawing and manipulating objects.

Left Side style is planned and structured, looks at differences, prefers established certain information,
controls feelings and prefers talking and writing.

For a detailed visualization of this project please
check my personal webpage.


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