Sparkling Art - Contemporary Art is alive and kicking!
Tecnique: Mixed media on canvas. Acrylics and acrylate spray, polyurethane foam, glass bottle, plastic bottles, working remnants (plywood), washers.
Description: Contemporary art is a network of systems composed of the inner energy of visionaries and dreamers, who do not give up fighting and hoping that this system could become more sustainable and balanced.
Contemporary art, is “strange”, very different from the classic canons we learned at school, but it is alive and well. Together with technology, science, culture in general, is one of the drivers of change. Not believing and working for culture and research means not believing in evolution and change, is ceasing to live and beginning to die every day with no dreams, no hopes, no plans. Those who have changed the world are those who have never given up their ideas.
"Art is deception, no doubt. But when it ceases to be, it says the only truth that matters." Care Santos - The color of memory.
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