

Painting, Abstract informal, Architecture, Landscape, Mixed technique, 104x52x5cm
Found wood, various paints & pigments, lacer, iron powder, fire

Spending around 6 weeks a year in Vietnam, the artist is inspired by the constant state of flux of the urban structures, surfaces, forms, materials, and spaces there. Here nothing seems to ever reach a point of actual completion - buildings are often left unfinished, or begin to wear down during the building process. The city's elements that are insistently broken down by natural forces & human use are in turn repaired, only to be further worn down and then repaired again. In this environment of perpetual breaking down and building up there is no idea of either an end to construction or an end to a building's life. The process for creating this work followed a similar path in which successive layers of paint were damaged by rust, fire, scraping, cutting, etc, and the outcome is a piece that finds balance in this unending cycle.

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Comments 8

Massimo Di Stefano
11 years ago
Very beatifull!!
Grazia  Badari
11 years ago
Grazia Badari Artist
Aeneas  MacRae
11 years ago
Aeneas MacRae Artist
very nice
Ray Horacek
12 years ago
Ray Horacek Artist
thank you!!!
Tan Jia Hui
12 years ago
Tan Jia Hui Artist
Nice :))
12 years ago
mersedeh Artist
12 years ago
mersedeh Artist
so nice
Fernando Pietropoli
12 years ago
Compliments. An art of matter that's not easy from a technical point of view as well.

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