Volume in vendita: "CORPO e ANIMA dipinti e poesie"

Volume in vendita: "CORPO e ANIMA dipinti e poesie"

Painting, Human figure, 21x21x1cm
NEWS! ORDER THE BOOK "CORPO E ANIMA"!!! - Editioni Artestampa (MO). Author: Maria Cristina Baracchi.

It's the fusion of painting and word. A new synergy with the observer. _ . _ _ _ _
Maria Cristina Baracchi presents a series of paintings in oil or acrylic on canvas, born of her last artistic research and constant experimentation in the field of portraiture and of the representation of the human body, used by the artist as "a means to communicate."
The works are accompanied , in a game of subtle references and clues whispered, about ninety "thoughts" in poetic form. A union of painting and word that is intended of crossing the mere pictorial data, to project itself in the horizon of interiority and capture those elements that emerge as a mysterious backdrop, a "through the canvas" that is accessible to the attentive observer and able to establish a long tuning, not momentary and superficial, with the painting.

DIRECT LINK: http://www.artestampaweb.it/scheda&id=161

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Comments 1

Barbara Ghisi
11 years ago
complimenti Maria Cristina sinceri e di cuore. Brava

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