timeless writing

timeless writing

Painting, Abstract informal, Acrylic, 100x70cm
By using gestured mark making on a surface to record the present moment. The process has its emphasis on spontaneous action rather than conceptual thinking that leads to action. The tension of aliveness manifest in my body, gets recorded via the medium. In other words, the brush acts like an aerial, picking up this tension and then recording it through the action of non conceptual mark making on a surface, the resulting accumulation of which makes up the entire art piece.
The work is not outcome orientated but is recognised to appear as part of the totality of existence as it appears in the moment. It is a recording of this very moment, an abstract writing about what is taking place right now. The final art work is therefore not only about a past situation, but also about the very moment in which the viewer sees it.
This action of seeing taking place right in this very moment is that which allows the painting to appear. So although the art work was made in the past, it is seen in the present moment and as this, it also represents the manifest image of the present moment. It is therefore timeless, an ever present appearance... until it is not.

Has been liked by 17

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Comments 7

12 years ago
Very beautiful work, dearest Adrian...
raimondo izzo
12 years ago
raimondo izzo Artist
Bello questo alfabeto del tempo.
giulio micheletti
12 years ago
grande composizione.
Evan Polenghi
12 years ago
Evan Polenghi Artist
good work Mr!
Gianpaolo Marchesi
12 years ago
12 years ago
Nicci Artist, Designer, Painter
... like floating in and through time, yet in the moment. Great representation!
Maristella  Angeli
12 years ago
Maristella Angeli Artist, Painter
Molto particolare. Bravo!

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