The architectural model of the global but exasperating uniform city is tantamount to an idea of global domination with its logos, symbols, power devices.
My Visions is a combination of materials, volumes and colors involved in a play between vegetables, polymeric left overs and metals: a seemingly simple play that reveals the essence of the global city whithout any cultural specificity.
The artist’s partecipation upsites the planning’s canon by reparating the architectural landscape from nature by offering elements of an imaginary town: roofs of sponge, trees of metals, skyscrapers of polyurethan, to create an other life in which the ojects become symbols of a fictions microcosmos.
An oneiric word that brings baks silence and harmony.
A transition from immateriality to a “perennial” concreteness, a hic et nunc.
A trance-formation to a “mnemonic case” restored to the rigths of dream.
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