a pomba girou novamente

Video, Animal, Sacred / Mythological, Short film, 4:25
Pombajira, Bombo-turns or spins-Dove is an entity that works in Umbanda, being equivalent to the feminine form of Exu. The term derives from Pambu Njila, the Orisha Eshu in Kimbundu language.
There are various manifestations of numerous phalanges of these entities, which often assist their mediums in the yards of Umbanda.
The offerings are numerous, always accompanied by good quality champagne, fine wines, hard liquor like gin, bourbon, and in isolated cases, Brandy. The they are offered cigarillos and cigarettes white filter, red roses, always in odd number, honey, anise liqueur, which is one of his favorite drinks, mirrors, ornaments, jewelry, costume jewelry, lipsticks, perfumes, finally, the whole apparatus that every woman loves and cherishes.

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zé armando
12 years ago
zé armando Artist

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