Painting, Fantasy / Visionary, Oil, 100x100cm
Deep into the abyss of eternal shows a figure of a woman whose body is lost until it is absorbed by the tumultuous swirling entanglement of emotions and streaks of color.
Once again at the center of the artistic work of Tiziana room there is a deep sensitivity and attention to social and environmental issues.
An iconographic representation of strong emotional impact that puts the emphasis on action-destructive and lethal caused by asbestos which the canvas is visible in the fiber track that stands in the background.
Asbestos is a mineral with great heat resistance due to its fibrous structure and therefore lends itself to a great use as a building material and furniture fabrics but its now ascertained harmfulness to health has resulted in the prohibition of use .
The figure of a girl, always in the history of the source of life and regeneration, is the protagonist in this work. Aware of the absolute truth covers his eyes to remember how the harmful action of asbestos is invisible to the human eye but its adverse effect is clearly expressed in his countenance. The condition of deep suffering shines dall'urlo of pain and fear that stands out on a dark background.
The canvas is upside down in order to emphasize with greater vehemence, the hardship that affects the human being, a nightmare from which we hope soon to awaken.
The girl is going to be absorbed by the tumultuous vortex but tries to oppose with all his might to the inevitable fate that awaits her. With his hand, the only instrument that remains, being now helpless and hopeless, trying to stop the unstoppable cyclone that allocates at lungs, organ affected by mesothelioma, a disease caused by the inhalation of asbestos.
Also significant is the use of different chromatic shades. The figure of a woman, a victim of the relentless progress of the disease, the arm surrounded by colorful strips of fabric which red it symbolizes his blood.
"Eyes do not blame vedan" was born as a warning for today's society to raise awareness on the ill effects of asbestos and promoting respect for the environment in which we live.

Vincenza Rubini

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