Moonlight on Mediterranean Sea

Moonlight on Mediterranean Sea

Digital Photography, Freedom, Landscape, Digital, 30x21x1cm
Moonlight on the Mediterranean Sea.

Photo extraordinarily lucky ... The image was taken by hand with a 70-300 zoom, focal length extreme, with an aperture of 5.7 and with sensitivity set on the Nikon D200 to 125 ISO ...
Luck would have it, despite poor lighting conditions, the moving ship and the extreme focus, shake the photo was really minimal, thus allowing me to have the desired image in the second half, without intervention with photoshop.

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Comments 9

Geoff Dunlop
11 years ago
Geoff Dunlop Artist
Fabio Cappellini
11 years ago
Fabio Cappellini Artist, Photographer, Journalist
Nessun intervento in postproduzione, ma in fase di ripresa si, la luna è stata abbassata rispetto al punto in cui si trovava, con una doppia esposizione, due scatti sovrapposti, ma entrambi nelle stesse condizioni di ripresa e in successione....
11 years ago
ALF Artist
Teresa Palombini
11 years ago
certamente spettacolare!
Erin Polla
11 years ago
Erin Polla Artist
Davvero nessun intervento con photoshop?!
WOW... Questa luna è IMMENSA!
Cattura straordinaria!
11 years ago
Anais Organizer
Stefania Rinaldi
11 years ago
Sara Tognon
11 years ago
Sara Tognon Artist
Bellissima luna,romantica foto!
Rudolf Lichtenegger
11 years ago

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