Articolo di Michele Fuoco (La gazzetta di Modena): I nudi di Maria Cristina Baracchi

Articolo di Michele Fuoco (La gazzetta di Modena): I nudi di Maria Cristina Baracchi

Painting, Feelings, Human figure, Mixed technique
It is  'the human figure at the center of interest of Maria Cristina Baracchi, whose works are presented through January 31, in "Corpo e  Anima" in Castelnuovo. In addition to portraits, including that of Giovanni Paolo II, the artist proposes female nudes created R03;R03;recently. Lying nude in poses that follow particular states of mind. I live is the sense of movement of bodies in the essentiality of a color "neutral" that does not take away the usual grace to the images. (Michele Fuoco - La Gazzetta di Modena)
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Gianpaolo Marchesi
12 years ago

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