Univoca origine

Univoca origine

Painting, Abstract informal, Mixed technique, 90x68cm
From a primordial common origin of the whole human kind, (the central Budda) borned the various cultures, different among them, yet with similar (the horizontal lines, of different color and with writings) foundations, that however they independently go toward different roads. All the cultures nevertheless, all the lives, have a commune road: to expand if same to live, to leave a sign of itself (papers of various color and consistence, with writings in different idioms)..
The butterfly points out emancipation; the choice of the delicate materials approached to the black fund points out the heterogeneity of the same life.

Has been liked by 2

Comments 2

erminia colombo
15 years ago
erminia colombo Art lover
Mi affascina la tua visione della fratellanza tra nazioni che, spero, ognuno di noi vorrebbe. Complimenti ancora.
ylenia lombardo
15 years ago
ylenia lombardo Art lover
Come tutte le tue opere, è affascinante, quasi mistico..... non smetterò mai di complimentarmi!

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