Riflessione sulla Cena

Riflessione sulla Cena

I'm in love with always Chisto and Jeanne-Claude, husband fully the concept of hiding to reveal. I believe that through the effort are rewarded to reveal the memory and knowledge. I'm in love of detail, simplicity and detest the trivial.

In my daily life and convivial see reflections, though simple not everyone notices.
Then I start to photograph them with my Iphone like a Moleskine notebook are to be developed with a professional photographer. If you are comfortable with the 'Iphone, who knows what wonders with a camera.
Confrontandomi with photographers I discover that my pictures can be done only with a smartphone
the characteristics of object sizes, goal, darkroom, etc. ...

The error is in the initial assessment:
consider using only half as precisely and then decreed only way to achieve the goal.

And so I'm here to tell you about the reflections on the dinner. It is never clear what they are and which shots are, but you can unlock through a reflection.
The collection "Reflections on Dinner" wants to be a post-it has the unique feature to remind you to think. Do you ever remember all of what or how you think.
But you will remember to Reflect

If You Do not Think Do not Exist

Has been liked by 18

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Comments 12

Loredana Sansavini
10 years ago
Loredana Sansavini Photographer
Bellissime foto e sono particolarmente dalla riflessione che mi coinvolge molto!!!! complimenti
Barbara Ghisi
11 years ago
questo mi piace molto. Anche il tuo pensiero. Bravo
11 years ago
11 years ago
silvi Artist
Bravo !
Nanouk Reicht
11 years ago
Nanouk Reicht Art lover
11 years ago
Andrea gran bel progetto, complimenti!
Gianpaolo Marchesi
11 years ago
11 years ago
Cat Photographer
J'aime !
Maristella  Angeli
11 years ago
Maristella Angeli Artist, Painter
Molto interessante!
11 years ago
patgamb Artist
bello il progetto e le foto, sono d'accordo sul fatto che fanno riflettere bravo!!!!

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