36, Kr – 81, day time and night time

36, Kr – 81, day time and night time

c. The natural force of light plays into form and space and perception. I wanted to make transparent against transparent forms so that viewers might question the notion of sculpture having a concrete visible form. The Rotunda piece was all clear against clear plastic forms within a cylindrical glass room. I wanted to create a piece where the form is hard to see or hazy during the day but when the natural light changes, such as at sunrise or sunset, the plexi glass edges of the forms turning in space create a prism effect on the floor. At night the green lighting takes over, and it glows as a green structure. The green light is in there 24/7, but you don’t see it during the day. The center structure is both a cityscape and a rocky mountain crystal structure that you might have seen at a Superman movie. So the green color hints at Kryptonite or a surreal sci-fi connotation. And the title 36,KR is the scientific notation for krypton on the periodic table. It’s a colorless gas that becomes green. 81 is an ionic bond or special effect that Kr could have. I liked the associations of green and krypton and Kryptonite.

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