The "Lapsus" occurs when our mental barriers fall away. An accidental error, a word said by mistake, action absolutely not designed ... spontaneous! In Psychoanalysis the Lapsus comes from his "Io" unconscious, what we are beyond our consciousness. Translated into a painting Lapsus could be a doodle automatic or an ink stain. In photography, perhaps nothing better than the Polaroid ... so immediate, instant and definitive ... no possibility of correction! The Lapsus as a "mistake" expresses the unconscious side of a person ... what could perhaps be called "soul" .. In "Capturing the Soul" I assembled the pages of a notebook and scribbled ink-stained, with some Polaroid "Wrong!" The resulting work is a stimulus to the imagination, in 'uncertainty formless each person throws what he wants, as fall the certainties of the image. Butterfly symbolizes the soul, but the image becomes a stain ink shapeless releasing all its evocative power. The black color is not only the color of mourning but it is also the color of depth and self-reflection.
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