For the photographic project "REPEATED HISTORY" we have decided to melt the various experiences and knowledge to the end of to realize an image that contain the ideas, the thoughts and the technical and stylistic preferences that differentiate and join togheter the group. The main artistic inclinations like painting and sculpture were reinterpretate and blended across the photography, strictly analog, replacing the human body to the stone, to the colors and to the television and choosing the film like speaker for the public, in the attempt to to recreate it and to research the plastic volumes of the sculpture and the explosive charge and evocative of the painting to transmit emotions readable that possano to to be reached and included from everything. The engraving performed on the film before the printing represents the brutal intervention of the man on the man to the damages of it self and of the humanity and from the effect that this attorney's office and undergoes in a spiral that absorbs and destroys the civil integrity of the individual element. For this not at random it was chosen like reference the crimes committed from the humanity in the last years, and here that to the feet of the "Cristo Morto" appaiono therefore the flags of the peoples that fight in name of a belief that often divides instead of to unite, a "Pietà" that collects and sustains the dead son, still very close but now lost, nient' other that a byproduct of the war. And still the thought of a man that itself not from peace and assists and hung powerless and incapable of to react and still in its shape plus human and vulnerable, or a "Maddalena" that itself rifà to a now defenseless woman, stripped from the actual dignity and of the sacred right to the life, strappatogli via from a world of prejudices and unhappy cowardice. The examples would be able to be complex, this project has search of to analyze this historical period where the ideologies, the geopolitical balances, the economy, the model of development, the family, the sexuality, the culture, the relation between the generations and the wait of the future that lives now to the shadow of the mistake, in suspense between the melancholy resignation to the decline and the attempt utopico of to go out it, also in antagonistic and conflictual manner. The incapability of to learn from the mistake is the feature of the ours present decline: we are blocked in this eternal present/passed that we return with images that do not belong us more, and that take us away from the rewrite a new Story.

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Comments 3

11 years ago
IRA TUM Artist
Mi piace tanto!...come l'idea e come fotografia. Siete sempre braaaavi!
Marta Fiorentini
11 years ago
gli animali che ti videro per la prima volta.
E questo sangue odora come nel giorno
Quando il fratello disse all’altro fratello:
«Andiamo ai campi». E quell’eco fredda, tenace,
è giunta fino a te, dentro la tua giornata.
Dimenticate, o figli, le nuvole di sangue
Salite dalla terra, dimenticate i padri:
le loro tombe affondano nella cenere,
gli uccelli neri, il vento, coprono il loro cuore.
Marta Fiorentini
11 years ago
Sei ancora quello della pietra e della fionda,
uomo del mio tempo. Eri nella carlinga,
con le ali maligne, le meridiane di morte,
t’ho visto – dentro il carro di fuoco, alle forche,
alle ruote di tortura. T’ho visto: eri tu,
con la tua scienza esatta persuasa allo sterminio,
senza amore, senza Cristo. Hai ucciso ancora,
come sempre, come uccisero i padri, come uccisero

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