Chiunque abbia vissuto intensamente la propria vita, non è né perso, né scomparso, né morto.

The installation commemorates the 30,000 desaparecidos of Argentina and the Madres di Plaza de Mayo who are still working today to put their children's revolutionary ideas into practice. “Our university teaches an ethical politics, based on love and respect for others. The young believe politics is for those who steal. Our children taught us that life has value when you put others first. Strength comes from working together.”

Charcoal, ink and acrylic on paper (150cm x 600cm) suspended in a circle 200 cm in diameter.
Veils of varying dimensions with text painted in acrylic.

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Comments 2

Jaquelina Pievaroli
15 years ago
Bella, Bellissima.
Ho potuto parlare con amici argentini che mi hanno raccontato il terrore che vedevano negli occhi delle loro madri.
Incrocio le dita perché possa realizzare il tuo progetto.
15 years ago
la idea es muy buena espero que puedas realizar esta installazione, auguri Josè

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