Painting, Abstract informal, Mixed technique, 48x68x3cm
The painter in art FAUSTINI Sabrina Saber in this work wants to emphasize the dualism that persists today between heaven and earth, between subject and object. between man and heaven natura.Il represented by the color Orolo pittice sabrina FAUSTINI want in this highlight the dualism that persists today between heaven and earth, between subject and object. between man and heaven natura.Il represented with the color gold, takes us back to the Eastern mysticism of Buddhism, while the land represented by the field and the red blood, reminds us of all the trivialities of human beings, its impefezioni, its inclination to violence, his sense of possession, attached to material goods, his desire to dominate the world. , takes us back to the Eastern mysticism of Buddhism, while the land represented by the field and the red blood, reminds us of all the trivialities of human beings, its impefezioni, his inclination to violence, his sense of possession, linked to material goods, his desire to dominate the world.
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