mappatura sentimentale

mappatura sentimentale

, Sentimental Mapping
video on-screen LCD TV, 3 'duration
The video was made by the artist in the weeks prior to the exhibition according to site-specific procedures.
A performer follows a route in the garden wearing a pair of fins and a diving mask.
Her voice off reading the novel "Seta" by Alessandro Baricco follows the images.
This video refers to the theme of the journey intended as sentimental mapping, a state of investigation of the self and from there to the outside. Remaining, pausing, going slow across sites is a way to discover in it resonances and connection. Time becomes fully
present, memories adhere to moments like leaves on the pavement cobbles, thoughts materialize and the sight captures the invisible without difficulty.
By decontextualizing the setting, the video shows the aperture to this new way of going: the protagonist of the journey wears diving mask and fins, this way she walks slow and more aware; and her gaze, behind the glass of the mask, becomes the more sentimental.

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