Il volo nella torre

Il volo nella torre

Painting, Birth, Fantasy / Visionary, Oil, 90x50x2cm
I'm in a white room. I lift my feet off the ground and I begin to fly. I realize it's a dream and I wonder if it's true that you can decide what to make happen in a dream. I decide to pass through the wall. I did it and now I'm in a stable tower in which it floats a wooden structure with seven floors each one of pentagonal shape. Each floor has doors on each side. In this flight I am attracted upwards by an intense magnetic light

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Comments 2

11 years ago
nurelhoda Artist
11 years ago
IRA TUM Artist
Bellissimo! Si, tutti noi siamo parte di questa LUCE che attira...e non esiste nulla di piu' forte e piu' importante di quest'attrazione...

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