un unica onda in un oceano.

un unica onda in un oceano.

Digital Photography, Landscape, Digital, 100x56cm
An unique wave in a ocean.

Where the human crowd is absent, everything could be still.
It's indistinguishable, and indivisible.
It's an aggrement, and harmonious.

How hard is to define with which sense we perceive a thing
How hard is to define which thing we catch with that sense

An unique wave in a ocean
and it just appears as less surrealistic
'cause nothing has borders and nothing lives all by itself

Undefined colors reflected on the water
Shades of earth and skies
The vault in infinite reflection on a plane geometry

hard lines gently fades to the human race:
they brings them own nature,
so to dechipher them is our challenge

We revolve the elements
Up-siding down the whole thing
We can't feel anything
except the breathe
of a glance
through the magnificence

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