L'ultima Luce...

L'ultima Luce...

The Last Light

2013 - Etching with punch and graphite on paper Muller, backlit
In this case the work is to show natural, without the effect obtained from the Rhaeto-lighting.

The image of the work instead, as it appears with the backlight, was nominated for the Celeste Prize 2013
Both reveal to the observer the effect of a single work that want to learn more about the meaning of "Memory" and reflection ...

Opera only

150 x 100 cm

Works on paper inserted on the frame,

backlit in case of the absence of light,

to impress the observer and give the impression that identifying with the panther (first symbolic figure associated with Christ), with impotence is seeing that tragic event.

March 4, 2013

Man ... destroys any hope of "Truth"

The Last Light ...

As well as the latest fireflies, the light of science, knowledge, hope,

turns off ...

But like most things bright and precious, and leave their mark not only the memory, the Science City one day be able to rise from the ashes, as well as his own true Naples and Phoenix rises again ... all the time, only thanks to the will of a people that is devoted to the existence, and everything, only to love ...

The work "The Last Light", reproduced in postcard both with or without backlight, has launched a fundraiser for Reconstruction of Città della Scienza in Naples. The fundraiser that officially began August 17, 2013 at Amstel Art Gallery in London, on the occasion of the first edition of the Prize Luana Raia, will continue accompanying my art in all upcoming exhibition events and artistic projects. Anyone who wants to contribute to the fundraising, (officially recognized with attached receipt), you can contact me directly at 349/2335935 or write to: arte.luana.raia @ gmail.com

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Comments 14

McArt (Massimiliano Cammarata)
11 years ago
Brava davvero
McArt (Massimiliano Cammarata)
11 years ago
Brava davvero
Anastasia Kurakina
11 years ago
Maria Elvira Salonia
11 years ago
sergio visciano
11 years ago
11 years ago
11 years ago
Cat Photographer
J'aime !
Ilario Belometti
11 years ago
Tanya Bartolini
11 years ago
Agatino Furnari - Mess
11 years ago
Bella complimenti.

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