

"The art of getting by" I wondered: but if there were more the paints, brushes, canvas and the whole arsenal...a painter what would you do?..and then the lighting,I did not need anything else other than my body as the only tool. My arm as a palette,my fingers as brushes and in my veins the color more beautiful ! I started to paint with blood. The color of life and death that made R03;R03;me mad with joy during gestation and then literally go crazy for abortions that I saw...happiness died with the blood! but then it was back just flowed again...For the other colors I used a bit of watercolor (which I hate!) black , Ink that the case he wanted to be blue(the color that I wanted the background) and for the white I have used the virginity of the paper. I longed for a canvas but not having it I used a sheet(soaked in liquid now seems to "fly")...I had too much desire to feel good!!...another reason why I did not use the colors on the market,'s because I'm vegan, I know that the paints contain animal glues. For acrylics I do not know, but I preferred to avoid...However, the framework demonstrates my experience with religions. I do not think squeeze the maximum performance in the picture, partly because the blood reflects light...however.....................................

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