Painting, Nature, Animal, Ink, 64x64cm
This beast is no more.
Extinct. Disappeared, over, kicked, eaten. Lost forever.
There are only a few pieces, attempts of memory, a strenuous search for images of small body parts.
A compendium of fingerprints, small, hardly encyclopedic. A list of anatomical parts. An inventory of legs. An atlas, in pieces, creatures destined to oblivion.

Has been liked by 26

Comments 4

Alice Padovani
11 years ago
Alice Padovani Artist, Performer
Eh, eh ! grazie Anna!
Anna Di Leo
11 years ago
Anna Di Leo Artist
Brava Alice, avevo visto giusto. Il posto di finalista, che ti meritavi, te lo assegno io.
Alice Padovani
11 years ago
Alice Padovani Artist, Performer
ti ringrazio di cuore!
Anna Di Leo
11 years ago
Anna Di Leo Artist
Questo portfolio è uno dei più belli del network: complimenti vivissimi!

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