shooting stars

shooting stars

Although it is a girl, my husband immediately thought of Lountemis when he saw the painting: "The dark became deeper. The chatting of the cypresses dwindled. The long candles of the sky were on. And everything was milk... milk... indigo... and sparkles. The river was murmuring in its sleep hidden words. The child didn't sleep that night... all night long. He wrote the most bitter, his longest of the fairy-tales... And in the dawn he started walking. He was solaced. He did it last night: he had counted all the stars... He had counted them all... slowly... patiently... one by one... All... And he found them all there correct -no one was missing..." Menelaos Lountemis [A.R.]

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Comments 14

11 years ago
Nury Artist
Paul Brotherton
11 years ago
Paul Brotherton Graphic artist, Painter
A clever concept and composition.....
beautifully worked.....mesmerising piece.....
11 years ago
mi piace molto particolare l effetto della caduta brava
ornella balbo
11 years ago
ornella balbo Artist
.. sono rimasta senza parole --- bellissimo
giulio micheletti
11 years ago
Sai io non leggo mai i pensieri prima di commentare,non devo essere influenzato dall'artista.Guardo e vedo,un ultimo ammasso roccioso prima della fine o dell'inizio del mondo,seduta con i capellei ad un vento caldo di passione,mistero e desiderio di volare oltre il masso,raggiungere la prima stella e saltellare sulle altre danzando la tua vita,voltarsi e rivedere quello che si vede dalle stelle verso la terra,La visione da due dimensioni diverse,può essere la stessa,ma puo anche distorcesi,dalla terra vediamo il sogno stellato ma dalle stelle dove il sogno è realta cosa scorgiamo?Magnifica Anastasia il tuo sogno con la vita ha solo la visione terrestre ti auguro di scoprire quella della felicità,il punto di osservazione devi sceglierlo tu
monica zambon
11 years ago
monica zambon Artist
Le tue opere sono sempre molto interessanti.
Gerardo Aizpuru
11 years ago
Gerardo Aizpuru Curator, Photographer, Graphic artist
Beautiful i love it !
11 years ago
GLEV Architect
Angela Loennig
11 years ago
So beautiful!!!
11 years ago
The work I find it a bit 'sad, but it is a sadness that makes you think.
Even the caption that accompanies the work is important because it brings to those who watched her do open the brain.
Brava and congratulations!

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