Il secolo breve

Il secolo breve

Painting, Memory, Abstract informal, Human figure, Illustration, Mixed technique, 120x155x5cm
The work is a set of tables of different shapes joined together. The complex is treated primarily with the technique of collage, juxtaposing images of different nature, thematic, compositional, colourist: the portrait, full length, to parts of bodies, landscapes, interiors and building exteriors, reproductions of works of the Italian Renaissance . A canvas, a canvas board and a table homage to the main masters of abstract and informal '900: respectively Fontana and Castellani, Burri and Malevich. The work is a tribute to the art of the twentieth century and the idea of the fast passage of time, alluding to the famous book written by historians Hobsbawm. Finally, the composition and decomposition of multi-storey refers to the idea that lies at the base of Synthetic Cubism, reported on the three-dimensional, rather than on the two-dimensional as it was originally designed by Picasso and Braque.

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Comments 2

11 years ago
micobene Artist
11 years ago
patgamb Artist
questo mi piace molto!!!

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