le dessin dansé

"le dessin dansé" is the result of a collaboration between a painter and a dancer. The aim was to show on paper, the draws dancers do with their movements. The colour palette is black for ink, and white for paper. The improvisation dancer Irene Sposetti starts dancing coming out from the white paper, and while dancing creates ephemere draws that will be put on paper at the end, as callygraphic strokes.

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Comments 8

serena stevens
11 years ago
Beautifully composed, I enjoyed watching this very much.
jaya  suberg
14 years ago
jaya suberg Artist
touches me...love, jaya
Maurizio Carpanelli
14 years ago
Complimenti!Bello il video e molto bello il dipinto"prodotto"dalla danza!
Zanetti Ivano Emilio
15 years ago
Brava Nuria!!
molto bello e sensuale...
ZIQQURAT ugocròm Zatini
15 years ago
Nuria Armengol
15 years ago
Grabamos en el exterior de CaixaForum de Bcn. El arquitecto Arata Isozaki creó con piedra blanca unos espacios magníficos. Este espacio en concreto está en el rellano de una de las dos escalinatas. Solicité permiso con unos dias de antelación y fueron muy amables.
Me alegra que te guste, gracias.
arnau sallent
15 years ago
arnau sallent Art lover
nuria, me gusta mucho. donde filmásteis?
Annika  Sporleder
15 years ago
I like the part where the hand goes through the paint

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