La mendicante

La mendicante

"The beggar" a gypsy girl (yes and no 16 years, already the mother of a child) while asking for alms in Via del Corso ... made me feel really sad look on her, I gave her a few small change (which I almost never do because otherwise, why then in effect is the main cause that keeps them on the road) and I asked them if I could get them some shots ... nodded in silence and thanked me simply putting his hand on his chest ... I thought ... if you are at that moment was a simple pass-through probably most of the boys would have looked because it was a beautiful young girl, but in the conditions it was it was almost invisible ...

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Comments 12

Serena Ferro
11 years ago
Serena Ferro Photographer
intensa, ancora di più dopo aver letto la tua descrizione.
Flora Unicum
11 years ago
Flora Unicum Artist
Maristella  Angeli
11 years ago
Maristella Angeli Artist, Painter
Uno scatto formidabile!
Anna Di Leo
11 years ago
Anna Di Leo Artist
Hai detto bene Ilir....invisibile.
Tu, però, hai colto la sua umanità e dignità e hai saputo valorizzarla. Bravo. (Perché non fai tutto un lavoro su questi "invisibili"?)
Anna Maria Peluso
11 years ago
bellissimo scatto! complimenti!
Kathleen  Rogers
11 years ago
Kathleen Rogers Photographer
beautifully sad!
Antonella Oriolo
11 years ago
milena corvini
11 years ago
Espressiva e toccante! Anch'io ho un quadro con lo stesso tema e titolo da postare la prossima settimana. Bravo!
Nico C Samary
11 years ago
Nico C Samary Artist, Photographer, Painter
Molto bella! Complimenti!
11 years ago
nurelhoda Artist
Bella, molto espressiva!

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